Andiamo a Sorrento

This past weekend, I went to Sorrento, Italy with a large group of students from my program.
We woke at four in the morning and walked about 1 mile to catch the bus which brought us to a train that went to Roma which brought us to a train that went to Napoli which brought us to a train which went to Sorrento which brought us to a train station where we then had to walk two-ish miles to a hostel.

Twelve hours later we were laying by the cool, blue water. There were hardly any onde (waves) and the water felt fresh and clean. I floated on my back and was in awe of the beauty surrounding me. I was in the clearest, most beautiful water I had ever seen and I felt amazingly peaceful--a rare feeling for me. I thought to myself how lucky I am to be in this place at this moment.

Later in the night, we watched the sun set over the water. The sunset was breathtaking as it slowly lowered closer and closer to the horizon. The rest of the evening consisted of sketchy wine in water bottles, Limoncello, karaoke clubs, cute Italian boys, and gelato going to sleep early and not doing anything remotely fun or involving alcohol (my parents do read this blog...)

The next day we trekked to a secluded beach/grotto where we cliff jumped and swam. The day was exhilarating, but also exhausting. Again, the night involved a tiny black dress, Limoncello, wine, dancing, more Italian boys, tiramisu, and breaking pictures I went to bed early.

Sorrento was beyond beautiful. I already want to go back and it hasn't even been 30 hours since I left.
Oh, and since this is a food blog (I almost forgot...), I'll show you some photos of that too. The frutti di mare (seafood) is OUTSTANDING here.

Ravioli with clams, shrimp, and calamari. O dio mio!

My friend Roxy got this amazing crostata di fragola (strawberry crostata). It was so pretty!

Pizza Diavola... Mindblowing.

Tiramisu... In Italian, it means "pick me up". It definitely picked me up. The wine and limoncello helped too.

Gelato. Dark chocolate, torrone (which is this Italian toffee thing--I do realize that that is a pretty ambiguous description), and Ferrero Roche.

Spaghetti with calamari. Spicy, light, and delicious.
I hope you had a beautiful weekend too! What did you do?
1. Everything will seem completely scary when you first arrive in Italy.