I love... (Day 10)

In honor of Valentines day, I'm going to write a post a day about all of the things that I love. Check out Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5Day 6, Day 7Day 8, and Day 9!

I love these people!

My Grandparents

Aren't they just darling? I saw them and asked if I could take their picture and pretend that we knew each other.

They were nice enough to let me. Even though they probably thought I was a weirdo.



I'm just kidding. Let me introduce you to Grandma and Poppy.

They gave me the White Stallion, they are very technologically advanced (my poppy even knows what an app is!), and they are part of the reason I exist (too much?).

They are pretty awesome.

Who do you love?

Last Year: Pesto Stuffed Chicken

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